Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I know I am a bit behind but here it is anyways...
We have Miss Hannah Montana, Mr Ironman and our newest little kitten. Aren't they cute??? Madison and Wyatt each dressed up for school parties and then we took all 3 kids out trick-or-treating at night after dinner. I must say Riley did very good for her 1st Hallowe'en, she slept through everything, I'm sure she will do better next year! The kids got lots of candy, in fact we are still eating it almost 2 weeks later!

Here we are the night before Hallowe'en picking our pumpkins out at the Apple Barn. What a great place to go for pumpkins, there is lots for the kids to do there. They are still open on the weekends until Dec 20, we may have to go in December to see if they decorate for Christmas.

Monday, November 3, 2008


We have a huge maple tree in the backyard that leaves lots of leaves on the ground, so of course it wouldn't be fall unless the kids made the leaf pile and played around in it.
Wyatt like any little boy can't resist digging in the dirt, and what better way to do it with these great trucks...a birthday gift from grampa.


Wyatt turns 5!!! I can't believe he is 5 already. We celebrated with a Transformer cake and his favorite gift...his skateboard!!! It's almost as big as he is.