So here it goes, I am joining the masses and starting a blog. I figure it will be a good way to keep friends and family informed of the day to day happenings of our life.
I will start with a little update for you. Joe just celebrated his 40th birthday on the weekend. Wow 40! Ah it's no big deal he managed just fine. We purchased our first house over the weekend, now that was a big deal! We still have some details to finish up so hopefully it all goes through without any problems and if that is the case we will be moving in the end of May, woohoo! I am sooo excited.
Madison has her last swimming lesson this week and she is doing awesome with her swimming, she even goes in the deep end. Madison keeps pretty busy between grade one, swimming, art class and just the regular 7 year old girl stuff. She is doing very well in school and for the most part really enjoys going to school.
Wyatt is as busy as any 3 1/2 year old boy ought to be. He spends some of his days at daycare with his little friends learning his abc's, counting, colors, crafts, singing, playing and most important... the daily nap. Wyatt knows that his name starts with a "W", so every chance he gets he proudly points out all of the W's that he sees .
I am keeping busy at home with the general day to day stuff, doing the bookwork for Joe's business and running kids around. I guess the upcoming month will be busy packing, ugh! I go back to work in July for my six month stint and then back to stay at home mom in the new year.
Well, I think I have rambled on here so I will finish this entry for now. I will check in soon with pics of our new house. Until next time...