Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Riley at 6 months old

Here she is 6 months old already, time sure goes quickly.
Let's see at this stage she can: sit up
makes lots of sounds
plays with hands and feet
sleeps all night most of the time
eats baby food and cereal
loves her baby cookies
starting to hold her bottle
moves herself around on her back
squeals in delight
has the belly laugh
she is 20lbs and 28" long
wears 6mths - 12mths clothing already

Riley is a pretty easy going baby, although she does have her moments but what baby doesn't, right? Madison and Wyatt lover her to pieces and love to entertain her and make her laugh. You'll notice in these pictures she's not smiling. Everytime I get the camera out and she sees it she just stares into it and so I rarely catch a smile on camera.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

We have never been out to the Hope slides so Joe suggested it one sunny Sunday for a drive. Do you think we even thought about snow or cold weather there? of course not it was beautiful sweater weather back at home. Needless to say we didn't stay too long but the kids had fun in the snow. It was up to Wyatt's waist when he would sink in it. I guess we will have to go back in the summer when it is warmer and we ca venture out a little more.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Madison's Party

Yes, it has been a long time since I updated so I will start back in February. Madison celebrated her 9th birthday at Twister's Gym with some friends from school. This is the third time she has had her party there, she loves it but do you think she would join gymnastics? of course not! lol It is a great place for parties if you are looking for somewhere to take the kids. You book it for 2 hours, get an instructor to play with the kids on the equipment and a room upstairs for food and cake. Here are som pics of Madison and Wyatt enjoying themselves. I have plenty of pics of her friends playing but I don't have their permission to post the pics.