Here are the kids before we went out trick-or-treating. Riley is a little fairy, Wyatt is Batman, Madison is Hannan Montana and the geeky nerd is my niece Taylor aka Bertha. Aren't they a cute bunch? This was Riley's first Halloween and she seemed to really enjoy it right down to doing a scary laugh when at people's doors, it was too cute. The kids had lots of fun, it was a great evening, no rain and not too cold. Now they have all come down from the sugar high and have crashed in their beds until morning.
Just some quick posts of an afternoon at the park with the kids. Not just any park though, it was the skate park. Wyatt has been asking to go there with his skateboard so we decided why not. Of course there were lots of big kids there doing their tricks so Wyatt just watched for a while until he got up the nerve to try it out himself. This is the first time he has been to the skate park and I think he was pretty proud of himself.
Here's Madison and Riley enjoying the swings together. Riley giggles whenever you give her a push it's so cute.
Here we have some pictures of Wyatt and Riley at a birthday celebration we had at the end of September. This was just a small family gathering to celebrate Riley, Wyatt and my dad's birthday all of which are in September. I don't have any pics of my dad, I guess because he wasn't blowing any candles out, oops! The cakes were made by my dad's wife Corinna, she did a great job with them! Riley really enjoyed the cake as you will see in the one picture it is all over her face.