Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Let's Decorate the tree

The pictures are out of order but you get the point, it's time to put up the tree. As we do every year with the exception of last year (real tree) we pull out the tree and assemble it. As the tradition goes, Joe puts the tree together with the help of the kids, fluffs it out and puts the lights on. The kids and I then finish by putting the decorations on. Once that is all done Joe puts the star on, but my picture doesn't have the star on yet. Another year, same tree, new memories. Merry Christmas everyone!

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My crazy little stampers...

The day before I had Joe's aunt and cousin out making Christmas cards, so the next day everything was in the kitchen still. The kids had no school that day, so I broke down and let them use my ink and stamps to make cards. Let me tell you this was a big step for me to let them use my stuff, but they did an awesome job. Wyatt was a maniac stamper creating a blizzard with the snowflake stamps. Madison was a little more careful with her stamping and wanted to fill the whole card up with stamps.

Look what I can do!

This is Riley's newest trick, aside form going up and down the stairs. She is a climber, on the chairs. She has managed to knock a chair over once when she was on it, but do you think that keeps her down? of course not. She like to get on the chair and bounce which of course causes the chair to tip over! If Wyatt is at the computer she of course has to climb up behind him and bug him, as in turn the computer off as he is playing a game. Of course he loves that, what brother wouldn't LOL!
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