Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Here is the second snowfall. Joe and the kids got out and built a big snowman. Joe and I had a snowball fight ( I challenged him to one) we had to get out and have some fun in the snow too!

This was the first snowfall of the year and the kids couldn't get outside fast enough. Notice Madison is wearing her pjamas, it is nighttime but they don't care they just want to play in the snow.

Preparing for Christmas

The kids really enjoy decorating the Christmas tree. Joe puts the tree together (yes it's fake) then he puts the lights on. Once that is done it's the kids and my job to put the decorations on. We put the tree up on Dec 1 this year. The kids are pretty good at leaving the tree alone now, but for the first week they wanted to play with the decorations and move them around.
Look, it's Rudolph. Madison have some fun with the ornaments. Such a joker, just like her dad!
Putting decorations on the tree is serious business you know! ;)
Look at the pretty balls mom. Wyatt really got into the decorating this year. He even has a Lightning McQueen decoration, I guess I should have take a picture of it, oh well.
The final result!!! It looks much more exciting when the gifts are under the tree I think. But can't do that until the kids are tucked in on Christmas Eve, you know when Santa comes.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Happenings with the Gundrum's

Well, it has been almost 2 months since I posted anything, so I will show you a breif rundown of what we have been up to lately, enjoy!

Halloween Costumes
Madison wanted to be a genie and Wyatt was Superman. The kids both love trick or treating and all the goodies that come with it. If they had their way all of the candy would have been eaten long ago.

The traditional carving of the pumpkin. The kids really enjoy getting their hands right into the guts of the pumpkin. We didn't make it to the pumpkin patch this year, just good old Save On Foods.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Max & Ruby Live Show

Well, tonight the kids and I went to see the Max & Ruby show at the Abby Arts Centre. There was dancing, singing and some stories for the kids, they really enjoyed the show. Max & Ruby is a favourite show of Madison & Wyatt's on T.V. It was some good fun entertainment for the kids.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Summertime FUN!!!!!

The kids and I ventured out to the TransCanada Waterslides on Tuesday with my sister and her kids. The weather was great and everyone had so much fun. It is pretty reasonable at only $12 per person with children 3 and under free. It's not as busy as the Cultus slides and they have some nice grassy areas to sit on. Wyatt is such a little fish, I could barely get him to come home. He even went down the blackhole slide with me. Madison on the other hand isn't as adventurous when it comes to going down the big slides. She loves the water but likes to stick to the smaller slides which is just fine by me. If you get a chance to go it is alot of fun for the kids (and adults too!), you just take the Bridal Falls exit and the slides are just past Dinotown (you can kill 2 birds with one stone Ha Ha). Enjoy your summer!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

House Pictures

Well, here we are it has been 3 weeks since we have moved in. We are pretty much all unpacked, just some rearanging to do here and there. You know how it is you are unpacking and just want to get it out of the boxes so you find a temporary spot for some things. I have some pictures of the house for all to see, enjoy.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Moving Update

Well, here I sit at 10:43 pm on Saturday evening and I thought I would give an update on our move. This will be our third night at our new house and we all love it. The kids spend almost every waking minute outside on the trampoline its great. Joe and I even got on there with them, but Wyatt told Joe to get off because he was bouncing too much. All the playing outside is doing wonders for the kids, tonight they just vegged out on the couch with a movie and not a peep out of them, amazing. They even slept in today on a Saturday of all days until 8:00am (they are usually early risers like 6:30 - 7:00am)

Moving day went OK except we didn't actually get our keys until 6pm when we were sitting in our new home having dinner! How did we get in you ask, Joe ended up getting in through the bathroom window. We had already waited an hour outside in the heat with the movers so desperate times call for desperate measures. We are slowly getting unpacked but I am getting pretty tired of it all,I just want it to be done. Oh well we will take it day by day and get it finished. Sorry no pics to show you yet but I will try and get some up in the next week. Goodnight!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Fun at the ZOO!

Well, I am a little late posting our trip to the zoo, we went on the long weekend. The kids really enjoyed all of the animals. Wyatt especially liked the zebra and the camels. Madison's favourite was the camels too. The weather was great for a trip to the zoo, not too hot but just enough sun for a great walk around. Wyatt kept referring to the rhinocerous as the mysaurus. Enjoy the pics.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Mom, watch me! Mom, mom watch...

These are the words I would constantly hear, mom watch, mom watch over and over again. Madison has been perfecting the art of skipping for the past couple of months, just check out the concentration. It all started at school with the Heart and Stroke Foundation "Jump for your heart". Madison practiced diligently so she could get up with her group at school and jump rope. Madison and some of the girls in her class even started a "skipping club" at lunch time for awhile there. She can actually do some pretty good moves with that jump rope.

Look what I can do Mom!

This is the latest achievement for Wyatt, he can print his name and he likes to draw people. The first picture is our family as Wyatt sees us, how cute is that? The first time he drew people like that Joe and I were watching him and Wyatt was just beside himself, he was so proud of his accomplishment. It is amazing how one day they are scribbling and the next day there are shapes and detail. Just had to brag about it, it makes a mother proud!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

So here it goes, I am joining the masses and starting a blog. I figure it will be a good way to keep friends and family informed of the day to day happenings of our life.

I will start with a little update for you. Joe just celebrated his 40th birthday on the weekend. Wow 40! Ah it's no big deal he managed just fine. We purchased our first house over the weekend, now that was a big deal! We still have some details to finish up so hopefully it all goes through without any problems and if that is the case we will be moving in the end of May, woohoo! I am sooo excited.

Madison has her last swimming lesson this week and she is doing awesome with her swimming, she even goes in the deep end. Madison keeps pretty busy between grade one, swimming, art class and just the regular 7 year old girl stuff. She is doing very well in school and for the most part really enjoys going to school.

Wyatt is as busy as any 3 1/2 year old boy ought to be. He spends some of his days at daycare with his little friends learning his abc's, counting, colors, crafts, singing, playing and most important... the daily nap. Wyatt knows that his name starts with a "W", so every chance he gets he proudly points out all of the W's that he sees .

I am keeping busy at home with the general day to day stuff, doing the bookwork for Joe's business and running kids around. I guess the upcoming month will be busy packing, ugh! I go back to work in July for my six month stint and then back to stay at home mom in the new year.

Well, I think I have rambled on here so I will finish this entry for now. I will check in soon with pics of our new house. Until next time...