Sunday, June 24, 2007

House Pictures

Well, here we are it has been 3 weeks since we have moved in. We are pretty much all unpacked, just some rearanging to do here and there. You know how it is you are unpacking and just want to get it out of the boxes so you find a temporary spot for some things. I have some pictures of the house for all to see, enjoy.


Sarah said...

This is awesome Patti! I LOVE your covered deck. It looks like you have a really great deck area. And the inside is beautiful. Your kitchen is nice and big too! Way to go! We moved a year ago and I still have a few boxes under the stairs that I haven't found homes for the stuff yet.

Jen S. said...

it's great! have fun making your house into your Home! :)
(still here btw... no baby yet)