Monday, August 11, 2008

Baby update

So here is a little update on baby's arrival. I was scheduled for a C-section on September 11, but the Dr. called today to say he needs to reschedule for the 10th instead as he has changed his surgery day with another Dr. so he only does surgeries on Wednesday. Boy, was I glad they didn't make the date later that wouldn' have been good news. So that means only 29 days to go, WOOHOO!!!

The following photo was taken at 33 weeks, I look like I could pop any day! I know I look totally impressed don't I.


going north cin said...

you look beautiful. Wont be long now!

Sarah said...

You look great! I think that Sept. 10th is a better birthday, anyway!! So that is good news :) And that's my cousin's b-day too!!! If you go into labour early, will they do an emerg. c-section? Or will they let you labour?

Patti said...

Sarah, they would do an emergency c-section because apparantly abbotsford isn't set up for what could possibly happen to someone having a VBAC, like a ruptured uterus for example.