Saturday, December 6, 2008

This first picture is from the beginning of Novemeber. Riley is almost 2 months old.
It's bathtime for baby, she loves having a bath no complaints whatsoever.

Joe has Riley propped up between the pillow while she listens intently to him playing the guitar.

This last picture was taken Nov 29/08 only 11 days away from 3 months old. She has grown so much over the last 3 months. Riley has grown 3" and is now 24" long, she weighs in at 15lbs and just last night she slept from about 9:30 pm to 6:00am Woohoo!!! She is a great baby with lots of smiles and coos. It seems like she is trying to pull her self into a seated position when she is in her swing or car seat.


Jen S. said...

Nice pics, Patti!
Joe - i love that you are playing with Riley as your audience. :)
and that last picture of Riley is so perfect! Sweetie.

Sarah said...

These are all great pics! She is growing so fast!