Saturday, June 2, 2007

Moving Update

Well, here I sit at 10:43 pm on Saturday evening and I thought I would give an update on our move. This will be our third night at our new house and we all love it. The kids spend almost every waking minute outside on the trampoline its great. Joe and I even got on there with them, but Wyatt told Joe to get off because he was bouncing too much. All the playing outside is doing wonders for the kids, tonight they just vegged out on the couch with a movie and not a peep out of them, amazing. They even slept in today on a Saturday of all days until 8:00am (they are usually early risers like 6:30 - 7:00am)

Moving day went OK except we didn't actually get our keys until 6pm when we were sitting in our new home having dinner! How did we get in you ask, Joe ended up getting in through the bathroom window. We had already waited an hour outside in the heat with the movers so desperate times call for desperate measures. We are slowly getting unpacked but I am getting pretty tired of it all,I just want it to be done. Oh well we will take it day by day and get it finished. Sorry no pics to show you yet but I will try and get some up in the next week. Goodnight!

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