Thursday, December 25, 2008


Here is a brief look into Christmas at our house. The kids were up by 7am and were very excited to see all of the gifts Santa had left for them. They were very patient in waiting to open them though. We had to feed Riley first, then wake up the in-laws and all the time Madison and Wyatt patiently waited. It was funny, after Wyatt opened his first gift he gathered up the wrapping paper and was headed straight to the garbage can to straighten up right away.

Here's Riley with her first Christmas gift. It is IgglePiggle from a new kids tv show called In the Night Garden. She seemed to really enjoy it and was trying to hold it and put it in her mouth.

Madison recieved a Hannah Montana tour bus from gramma for Christmas, which she was very excited to get. She played with it most of the day, with her various dolls from Hannah Montana, High School Musical and Camp Rock (all disney tv movies). She is also decked out in Hannah Montana pj's. It was a Hannah Montana christmas for Maddi, from the pj's to the socks, watch, clothes, nintendo and play station game, but she loved it all.

Riley and Joe taking in all the action of the kids opening their gifts.

Have you ever seen such a sight? Our in-laws dog Murphy, sniffed out her gift and then proceeded to unwrap it her self. It was quite funny!
Wyatt is playing Santa handing out gifts to everybody. He was happy with all the gifts he recieved. There was Optimus Prime the transformer, magnetix, nintendo games and a hot wheels track.

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