Thursday, January 29, 2009

I've been tagged

Well, I was just over checking out Jen's blog and discovered that I have been tagged. What you need to do is "Click on the fifth folder in your Pictures file and post the fifth picture - then tag five other friends!" I recently put all my pictures onto disk so I don't have many pictures on my computer right now but here it goes. Big brother Wyatt (he is also posted on Jen's blog for this tagging) showing Riley how to play with the toy she recieved for Christmas

Have a great day!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New Blog

Why not check out my new blog I have started a business blog that is all stamping. You will find samples, and information about Stampin'Up!. I will also be offering cards and card kits for sale soon. You can also find retired stamp sets for sale and other Stampin'Up! promotions.

I will continue with this blog as well, but it will be family oriented for those of you who want to check in every once in awhile.

Have a great day!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Madison turns 9!!!

Well, today my baby girl turns 9 years old. It seems like just yesterday she was still our baby. She has grown up so much, even in just the last year. Just thought I would share a few photos of her as a baby and then a couple taken today as we celebrated her birthday.

This photo was taken at 4 weeks old. Love the hat!!!!!!

This picture is about somewhere between 6 and 9 months.

Taken January 16, 2009

After blowing out the candles!