Friday, January 16, 2009

Madison turns 9!!!

Well, today my baby girl turns 9 years old. It seems like just yesterday she was still our baby. She has grown up so much, even in just the last year. Just thought I would share a few photos of her as a baby and then a couple taken today as we celebrated her birthday.

This photo was taken at 4 weeks old. Love the hat!!!!!!

This picture is about somewhere between 6 and 9 months.

Taken January 16, 2009

After blowing out the candles!


Jen S. said...

Happy Birthday Madison!!! :)
9 - can it be true?! Man, it seems like yesterday she was carrying LaLa into my Daycare Group!!!

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday!!

Funny thing is that I wasn't reading it at first, just looking at the pics and I was thinking, Man, does Riley ever look like Madison now!! hahah! I guess it pays to read the words, too!!!!