Saturday, April 11, 2009

Look, Look, Look

Look at what I discovered can be done in Picasa 3, isn't this totally cool?!? You can select certain pictures and do them up as a collage. There are a few different choices for doing the collage and different sizes. This would be great for scrapbook pages where you want to highlight a month or year in review. I took pics of the kids from the last few months and put them all together for this one. If you don't have Picasa 3 it is a free download and there are so many things you can do with it, this is just one example. Anyway enjoy the pictures!!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

This is so great! I have yet to figure that out in Picasa, but I have figured a few other cool things out with that... I still have to do a collage. Then I guess you could print it off like that, too, eh?

Hey, I tagged you on my blog if you want to play!