I know I have been a bad blogger, wow 2 months since I have posted anything. I guess my excuse is I have been busy? with moving, kids and life etc... We are all settled into our house here in Chilliwack, the kids survived 2 months at a new school and have many friends in the neighborhood to play with we hardly ever see them. They both enjoyed taking the bus to school, enjoyed the year end field trips they had. Madison went to Science World and the Trans Canada Waterslides. Wyatt went to Dinotown and Bowling, both of which he enjoyed. Riley has changed alot in the last 2 months, she is now 2 weeks from 10 months. In the last couple of months these are the things she has accomplished: rolls over, claps, waves, gives high-5, has 2 bottom teeth, crawls everywhere including up the stairs (hasn't figured out how to get down the right way), and pull herself up to a standing position whenever she can, let's just say she is a busy girl right now. I don't have a whole lot of pics to show but I will post some updated pics of the kids for you to see.Joe's Birthday, doesn't he look thrilled!
Riley with the Birthday balloons
Birthday sparklers, so much fun!


Wyatt getting on the school bus, he is the one in front.

A day in the park.

1 comment:
Thanks for the update!
Brave M and W going on the bus every day! Good for them!!! :) I'm so proud of them!
So glad you are all settled in and enjoying life!
Riley is adorable - I so can't believe how time is flying - she'll be a year in no time!
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