Tuesday, May 1, 2007

House pictures

Well, all subjects were removed yesterday, so we are official home owners now I guess. Now all the fun begins! I have included the link to MLS to show you pictures of the house, hope it works.



Jen S. said...

Patti, that is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE it.
Where is it? I couldn't see an address for it.
Wow, I'm stunned. It's gorgeous.

Patti said...

pgundrum@shawJen, It is on Dahl Cres, I believe you guys looked at a house there when you moved from the townhouse.

Jen S. said...

We totally did!! I think we even put an offer on one there and then backed out for whatever reason (can't remember). The one we saw was a corner lot on the bend in that road. I should look again at your pictures. Can't be the same one... although that one had an amazing kitchen like this one does. Hmmm...

Jen S. said...

Ok, me again. I just finished emailing you and now I look at the photos AGAIN.
You know, this is most likely that house we put an offer on!!!!!!! I'm serious. Now that I look again... they did A LOT of work, BUT that kitchen is "my kitchen". (just kidding. but I LOVED that kitchen)
Except I don't remember what-so-ever a fireplace in the masterbedroom. I thought the rooms (2 on upper floor) were rather small. I am sooooo curious now. I'll show Jason the pictures AGAIN and see if he thinks so too...

Sarah said...

Hi Patti,
Does the link still work? It didn't for me... so I think I missed the boat. But maybe you will post a few pics when you are settled in! I have you linked to my blog now so I don't have to go searching for your blog address all the time anymore!

Patti said...

Sarah, the house has been taken off MLS now but I will post pics once we get settled in.