Friday, May 11, 2007

Look what I can do Mom!

This is the latest achievement for Wyatt, he can print his name and he likes to draw people. The first picture is our family as Wyatt sees us, how cute is that? The first time he drew people like that Joe and I were watching him and Wyatt was just beside himself, he was so proud of his accomplishment. It is amazing how one day they are scribbling and the next day there are shapes and detail. Just had to brag about it, it makes a mother proud!


Jen S. said...

Wow, Wyatt! Great drawings and writing!!!!!!!!!!! Patti, be proud! That's great.
Happy Mother's Day too!!

Sarah said...

I LOVE his artwork! That's great that you got pics of this. I love it when they start adding faces and legs and arms!!! His printing is really good too!