Wednesday, April 23, 2008


BOY or GIRL?? that is the burning question. Unfortunately, I don't know yet. Dr. told me today everything looks good on the ultrasound, but she doesn't have the gender because the lab doesn't release that information to the doctor until the mom is 20 or 21 weeks pregnant. So by the time I go to my next Dr. appointment on the 7th of May I will be 20 wks 4 days so maybe I will find out then, if not the week after. My guess is we are having a BOY, so until then we will have to wait. Stay tuned...

Have a great week!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Baby Update

I'm back!!!! Thought I would give a little update on the baby. Just had my second ultrasound today due to the results of last week's ultrasound. When I had my ultrasound on the 9th I thought I should be 20 weeks but according to the measurements I am only 16 weeks. Shocker!! So my Dr. had me go back today the 18th I guess to recheck the measurements. According to the tech today I am about 18 weeks which would correspond to the measurements taken last week. Soooo, it looks like my due date has changed from Aug 27th to approximately Sept 21st. Just 4 days before Wyatt's 5th birthday. I will be having a C-section so I will get a definate date of delivery in about a months time. The tech did note the baby's gender today but of course I have to find out from my Dr. early next week, so untill then I will share some pics with you instead. Stay tuned...

If you click on the picture it will enlarge for you to see a bit better.