I'm back!!!! Thought I would give a little update on the baby. Just had my second ultrasound today due to the results of last week's ultrasound. When I had my ultrasound on the 9th I thought I should be 20 weeks but according to the measurements I am only 16 weeks. Shocker!! So my Dr. had me go back today the 18th I guess to recheck the measurements. According to the tech today I am about 18 weeks which would correspond to the measurements taken last week. Soooo, it looks like my due date has changed from Aug 27th to approximately Sept 21st. Just 4 days before Wyatt's 5th birthday. I will be having a C-section so I will get a definate date of delivery in about a months time. The tech did note the baby's gender today but of course I have to find out from my Dr. early next week, so untill then I will share some pics with you instead. Stay tuned...If you click on the picture it will enlarge for you to see a bit better.
very cool! :) Can't wait to hear if it's a she or he!!!
what neat pics, cant wait to meet her! wont be long now mama....
xo cin
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