Wednesday, April 23, 2008


BOY or GIRL?? that is the burning question. Unfortunately, I don't know yet. Dr. told me today everything looks good on the ultrasound, but she doesn't have the gender because the lab doesn't release that information to the doctor until the mom is 20 or 21 weeks pregnant. So by the time I go to my next Dr. appointment on the 7th of May I will be 20 wks 4 days so maybe I will find out then, if not the week after. My guess is we are having a BOY, so until then we will have to wait. Stay tuned...

Have a great week!


Sarah said...

so.... did you find out? And are you telling?!!!

Sarah said...

oh, duh... it's only May 5th... I'll ask you again in 2 days :)

Jen S. said...

tomorrow!!!! I can't wait to come on here and find out! :)