Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Long Weekend

What do you do to avoid the crowds of the first long weekend? Go camping in your own backyard! That's what we did on the May long weekend. There was no way we would get a spot up at Cultus for the weekend, see we don't plan ahead for this stuff we just do it at the last minute.

Joe is putting the final cover on the tent so we can try and get the kids to bed, but it was still awhile before they would settle in for the night.

Wyatt shhhing us because his stuffed puppy was trying to sleep in the tent already.

Madison in and out of the tent.

We even had our own little campfire for roasting marshmallows and keeping warm.

It wasn't quite a full moon that night but it looked pretty amazing. We were able to do some star gazing as well and I was able to find the big dipper I think. I'm not very good at finding all the consellations up there. It was a nice night to lay out on the trampoline gazing at the stars though.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

It's awesome that the long weekend was nice enough for you to do that... usually it rains on the May long weekend! Looks like you guys had a great time!!!