Tuesday, May 6, 2008

It's a....

GIRL!!!!!!! this is what they are telling us but of course there is the precautionary it's not 100% accurate so don't go all pink or all blue. They were accurate with Wyatt's gender so I will go with what they have said this time as well. Of course I had to buy a few pink things when I found out. A couple of sleepers, onesies and some little hats. It's like I don't know to buy 3 month or 6 month stuff. Both kids were 1-2 ounces shy of 10 lbs and they were 22 and 23 inches long, so needless to say they never fit the newborn stuff and barely fit the 3 months.


Jen S. said...

YEA!!!!!!!! How fun!!!!! :)
I am thrilled!
I have been meaning to email you to figure out a time to get together... will do that soon!

Sarah said...

that's so exciting! now the fun begins with choosing a name!!!!