Well, here is the family waiting for the Canada Day parade. The kids are all decked out with their tattoos. This has become an annual event for us for the past 5 years. After the parade we head over to Rotary Stadium for the family fun day, which the kids love!
Wyatt waiting patiently for the parade to start, doesn't he look thrilled?
Another thrilled child waiting patienly for the parade to start. You have to get there at least 1/2 hour early if you want to get a decent seat, so then you have kids asking when is the parade starting? But when they see the first sign of the parade they are happy.Here are a few highlights from the parade. I don't take as many pics as I did the first couple years because it is usually the same stuff every year and how many pics do I need? right? We have the fire trucks, the horses, the cheerful clown (I think this lady comes every year) and of course the kids favorite float...MCDONALD'S. 

Moving right along, here are some highlights from the family fun day at the stadium. There are bouncy castles, mini golf, slip and slides, arts and crafts and story time to keep the kids occupied. It really is great entertainment for the day and it is free. During the day there is also entertainment at the main stage and at the end of the day is the much anticipated fireworks display. Good fun had by all and what a long day!

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