Wednesday, July 30, 2008


On July 6th we were unfortunately informed that one of Joe's nieces was killed in a car accident here in Abbotsford. Jenilee had been working with Joe for about the last year placing rebar so this news hit him quite hard as they had rebuilt a relationship over the last year. She leaves behind her mother, father, three younger sisters and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. There is a beautiful memorial set up at the site of the crash and the city has started work on straightening out the road where the crash took place. R.I.P Jenilee March 13, 1988 - July 5, 2008.

Something positive that came out of this tragedy is the fact that all of Joe's siblings and both parents all made it out to Abbotsford for a reunion of sorts. They came from as far as Regina, Northwest Territories and as close as Hope and Mission. It was great to see them all together again after so many years and myself and the kids met some relatives for the first time which was wonderful. It was a very impromptu reunion, but one that was needed! :) Here are a few pics from our time together.

Mom and Dad with the 5 kids.

Joe and his siblings.
Madison and Wyatt with 2 of their many cousins on Joe's side of the family.

Joe with his sister and her daughter from Regina.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

This is so sad. I'm so sorry to hear about your family's loss. You'll be in our thoughts and prayers.