Saturday, September 6, 2008

First Day of School

Well, the first day of Kindergarten has arrived for my baby. I can't believe Wyatt is in school, it seem like he was just born. Enough of my sniveling though he did great! He just went for 1 hour each day this week to get used to it I guess. He was a little disappointed he didn't need his backpack, snack or inside shoes this week. "Mrs. Martens said we don't need to bring our backpacks, inside shoes and snack until next week mom"
The first day I stayed with Wyatt and we did the tour of the different areas of the school he will be using. First was the Kindergarten room where they recieved a cookie and licorice (maybe that was a ploy to get
them back the next day LOL. We also visited the computer lab where Wyatt was right at home playing the games they have. The library was another stop and the gym was a big hit, he didn't want to leave.

Here's my boy taking a rest at the end of a fun-filled hour. I think Wyatt ended up napping a couple of afternoons this week because "school tired me out mom".
And now on to Madison. All dressed up, such a growing girl she is in grade 3 this year, hard to believe. She wasn't too excited about going back to school because "grade 3 is going to be too hard mom". Once she got to school everything was fine though. She has some kids from last year in her class again and no homework yet so it's all good. They were doing division on the second day though, eek! So now that the first week is done we are slowly getting into some kind of routine again, although that will probably be a little harder this week with the arrival of baby. Oh well, we will make it through!
Madison had to do a few poses with her most important Hannah Montana backpack.
Hope all of you with kids in school had a great first week! Here's to the next 10 months.

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