Saturday, September 26, 2009

Our new glasses

Well, both kids got their new glasses yesterday, so what do I do get a picture of course. Madison has had glasses since she was 5 and these are a first for Wyatt. Madison has been wearing hers, but of course Wyatt is a different story, he needs to get used to them I guess.

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Wyatt is 6!!!

Wyatt trying on daddy's new hardhat, doesn't he look like he's made for rebar!? I guess we'll give him a few more years before we put him to work, lol.
Here he is on his new Ripstick that we gave him for his birthday. It's all he has talked about for weeks. It is the latest skateboard that the kids use, it just has the 2 wheels and they have to wiggle their bodies to keep moving. He is quite the pro at it already. As Joe says we gave birth to Bart Simpson. Wyatt woke up this morning at 6:30 and the first thing he says is "can I go outside on my ripstick?" Uh-no it's a little early don't ya think? The next pics are some other shots of him riding.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Riley turns 1!!!!!!!

I can't believe it has been a year since Riley came into this world to our family. She has been a welcomed addition to our family and we could't imagine life without her. She is her own little person now with such a big personality. She is probably the busiest out of all 3 children and she is the first one to walk before her 1st birthday. Here are a few pictures taken on her birthday, what a big girl! Happy Birthday baby Riley, we love you!!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to School 2009

Ahhh, it's that time of year again... back to school! Wyatt was excited about it, Madison not so much. I guess for Wyatt it's the idea of grade 1 and being at school all day, we'll see how long the enthusiasm lasts. Madison is always leary about going back to school saying grade 4 is going to be too hard, but she makes it through every year. I took a few pics of the kids this morning showing off their new clothes (thank you grama!) and backpacks.

Here they are all dressed and ready to catch the bus to school.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

She walks!!!

Here's Riley taking her first steps. She is walking lots now and getting pretty good at her balance. She is the first of the 3 kids to walk before her 1st birthday. Look out now, here comes trouble lol.