Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to School 2009

Ahhh, it's that time of year again... back to school! Wyatt was excited about it, Madison not so much. I guess for Wyatt it's the idea of grade 1 and being at school all day, we'll see how long the enthusiasm lasts. Madison is always leary about going back to school saying grade 4 is going to be too hard, but she makes it through every year. I took a few pics of the kids this morning showing off their new clothes (thank you grama!) and backpacks.

Here they are all dressed and ready to catch the bus to school.

1 comment:

Jen S. said...

Madison is looking SO grown up! I can't believe it! :)
looking good!

PS. I pulled out some fall clothes for Sammy this week - some of Wyatt's shirts, man does that bring back memories of him!