Riley turns 1!!!!!!!
I can't believe it has been a year since Riley came into this world to our family. She has been a welcomed addition to our family and we could't imagine life without her. She is her own little person now with such a big personality. She is probably the busiest out of all 3 children and she is the first one to walk before her 1st birthday. Here are a few pictures taken on her birthday, what a big girl! Happy Birthday baby Riley, we love you!!!!
Wow! Happy Birthday Riley! I can't believe the year has gone already! :)
fun for you to have her a little different than M and W in regards to activity and walking! :)
How's Wyatt doing in grade 1?
Wyatt loves grade 1 so far, he really likes going to school all day and was excited that they did math the other day. How about Elijah?
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