Friday, December 26, 2008


WOW!! can we say that's alot of snow? We got our white Christmas here in BC and broke all kinds of weather records. The kids loved all the snow, they were out a couple of times during the day playing and rolling around in the snow. We have about 2 feet of snow in our yard, the trees look beautiful covered in the snow and as I sit here typing this it is snowing outside again. It's funny though as I was taking these pictures I was out in a t-shirt, where else in Canada in the middle of winter with this much snow can you be outside in a t-shirt? no where I suspect. I guess now we are just waiting for the rain that is coming next week to wash this all away. The first picture here is actually our spare car completely covered in snow with only the side view mirror poking out. I hope you were all able to get out and enjoy the snow!


Sarah said...

I love the pic of the girls looking at each other through the window... but if Joe is inside, that means you pulled outside duty.. not my fave in the snow!!

Patti said...

Nope, I was only out taking pictures not playing. I like that picture too it turned out pretty good.